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The song goes through multiple transitions and utilizes both the older and newer sounds of the band. The second of the two, “Shameless Shadow,” is quite the opposite. With only a small amount of variation and uninspired presentation, the song comes off a bit lackluster compared to the rest. Most of the songs on this album have an added level of eccentricity in the words and instrumentation, but this track definitely lacks anything incredibly enticing. Besides this, the song doesn’t come forward with anything incredibly gripping. The first of the two, “Make a Wish”, features a monotone hook that repeats a second time with a bit more chutzpah than before. The next two songs deliver instrumental melodies that coincide with the albums “court jester” theme (as is also heavily referenced by the albums cover art). The instantaneous double time changes in the song keep up with their general “experimental punk” demeanor while also packing the very short song with content and variety.

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The song also begins with guitar strumming, something that is somewhat foreign to older tracks from the band. This time around, the crunchy bass and fast paced drumming are sharper and more organized than their earlier songs. The album kicks off with “Stallion”, a track that is sure to please fans of the band’s older work. Mirror Might Steal Your Charm continues this trend of sample-based music, with a small amount of their original distorted bass and drums popping up throughout. The songs became increasingly distinct due to the introduction of synth and keyboard sounds, and created an intense and eccentric sound that was very unique to the band.

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These singles show a progression in the band’s sound from solely a drum and bass duo to a sample and sound effect centered style. Since the release of their last album titled haha in 2015, The Garden have dropped sporadic singles and an EP titled U Want the Scoop?. Orange County based duo The Garden have delivered onto the public their third full length album titled Mirror Might Steal Your Charm.

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